In the heartwarming holiday film A Merry Holiday (2019), a toy company executive finds herself in a predicament when she realizes she must learn about Hanukkah in order to secure a major account. Determined and resourceful, she enlists the help of a friend of her co-worker, who happens to be an expert on the holiday. Little does she know that he also needs assistance in creating a Christmas Wonderland at his place to impress his girlfriend's father.
As they embark on this holiday adventure together, they both learn about the true meaning of the season and the importance of kindness, love, and understanding. Through their collaboration, they manage to create a joyful and inclusive holiday celebration that honors both Hanukkah and Christmas traditions.
A Merry Holiday is a heartwarming tale that blends comedy, romance, and holiday cheer. It highlights the importance of embracing different cultures and traditions during the festive season. With a delightful cast and stunning production design, the film captures the magic and warmth of the holiday spirit.
This feel-good movie is perfect for the whole family, providing laughter, love, and valuable life lessons along the way. Enjoy A Merry Holiday as it reminds us all of the true meaning of the holiday season and the importance of spreading joy and togetherness.
Also Known As:
Mistletoe & MenorahsRelease Date:
07 Dec 2019Writers:
Guy Yosub