A Kid in King Arthur's Court is a thrilling and humorous family adventure movie from 1995. The story centers around a young Little League player named Calvin Fuller, who gets transported back in time to the medieval era, specifically to the legendary Camelot. Upon his arrival, Calvin is given a monumental task: to save Camelot from imminent destruction.
As a fish out of water in the medieval world, Calvin encounters numerous obstacles and challenges. However, with his modern knowledge and unique skills, he quickly becomes an unlikely hero. Calvin is determined to prove himself by helping King Arthur and his knights defend their beloved kingdom from a wicked plot.
Throughout the movie, audiences will be captivated by the delightful blend of humor, action, and fantasy. Calvin's journey is filled with exciting quests, close friendships, and even romance as he navigates his way through the medieval world. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about bravery, loyalty, and the importance of teamwork.
A Kid in King Arthur's Court is a heartwarming and entertaining movie that will charm both children and adults alike. It combines elements of time-travel, sports, and medieval adventure, creating a unique and enjoyable viewing experience. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey with Calvin as he strives to become the unlikely hero of Camelot.
Also Known As:
A Kid in King Arthur's CourtRelease Date:
11 Aug 1995Writers:
Michael Part, Robert L. LevyAwards:
2 nominations