In the heartwarming holiday film A Husband for Christmas (2016), two co-workers find themselves in an unexpected situation. Vivian, a successful advertising executive, is facing pressure from her family to settle down with a husband. Desperate to avoid their constant meddling, she strikes a deal with her colleague Jason, a charming playboy. The two agree to enter into a loveless, convenient marriage, with the understanding that it will be strictly business. However, as they spend more time together, a genuine connection develops between them.
As the holiday season approaches, Vivian and Jason find themselves drawn to each other in ways they never anticipated. They begin to reevaluate their initial arrangement and wonder if there might be something more meaningful between them. But will they be able to overcome their fears and trust in their newfound feelings?
Filled with festive cheer and heartwarming moments, A Husband for Christmas explores the themes of love, relationships, and the magic of the holiday season. Watch as Vivian and Jason navigate the complexities of their unconventional arrangement and discover the true meaning of love during this joyous time of year.
Perfect for a cozy night in, this delightful romantic comedy will warm your heart and leave you with a renewed belief in the power of love.
Also Known As:
A Husband for ChristmasRelease Date:
11 Dec 2016Writers:
Jay Cipriani, Natalie Kiwi, Jeffrey Schenck