A Friend of the Family
A Friend of the Familyhttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/MV5BZDkyNDVhM2QtOWEyMy00ODA0LThlOTEtNzQzZGI4MTllMmNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjEwNTM2Mzc@._V1_SX300.jpg
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A Friend of the Family

Tells the harrowing true story of the Broberg family, whose daughter Jan was kidnapped multiple times over a period of years by a charismatic, obsesse...d family "friend." Show More


A Friend of the Family is a gripping and heart-wrenching movie based on the true story of the Broberg family. The film follows the terrifying ordeal they faced when their daughter, Jan, was repeatedly kidnapped by a manipulative and obsessed family friend.

Set over a span of several years, the story unfolds as the Brobergs become entangled with a charismatic individual who slowly gains their trust. However, this seemingly genuine friendship takes a dark turn when their daughter Jan becomes the object of this person's sinister desires. The family is forced to endure the unimaginable as their daughter is repeatedly abducted and subjected to psychological manipulation.

The movie showcases the sheer horror and psychological complexity of the situation the Broberg family finds themselves trapped in. It highlights not only the cunning tactics employed by the kidnapper but also the emotional turmoil that the Brobergs face as they grapple with the unimaginable truth of the situation.

A Friend of the Family presents an intense and riveting narrative, shedding light on the dangerous power dynamics that can exist within seemingly ordinary relationships. The film serves as a cautionary tale, reminding viewers of the importance of vigilance and awareness, even within their closest circles. A chilling exploration of obsession and manipulation, this true story will undoubtedly leave viewers on the edge of their seats.

Also Known As:

A Friend of the Family

Release Date:

06 Oct 2022


Nick Antosca