In the romantic comedy film A Case of You, Sam, a struggling writer played by Justin Long, finds himself stuck with writer's block. Determined to win over Birdie, a local street artist portrayed by Evan Rachel Wood, Sam creates a false identity to make himself more appealing to her. When his roommate suggests checking Birdie's Facebook profile, Sam uses the information he gathers to shape himself into the man of her dreams.
To get closer to Birdie, Sam pretends to accidentally meet her at a comedy club, and the two develop a connection after becoming ballroom dance partners. Inspired by their blossoming relationship, Sam starts writing a novel based on their experiences.
As the charade continues, Sam finds it increasingly challenging to maintain the facade. His elaborate web of lies threatens to unravel, and he must decide whether to come clean to Birdie or risk losing her forever.
With its blend of humor, romance, and relatable themes, A Case of You takes viewers on a journey as Sam navigates the complex world of love and the consequences of dishonesty. Will Sam be able to keep up his charade, or will the truth ultimately prevail?