Contract to Kill is an action-packed thriller that follows Harmon, a skilled CIA/DEA enforcer. His mission is to investigate Arab terrorists captured in Mexico. With his team by his side, including the attractive FBI agent Zara and the expert spy-drone pilot Sharp, Harmon travels to Istanbul.
In Istanbul, Harmon uncovers a sinister plot that could have devastating consequences for America. Islamic extremists are planning to utilize drug-smuggling routes in Sonora to bring deadly weapons and leaders into the United States. Harmon realizes that he must act swiftly to prevent this attack and protect his country.
To stop this threat, Harmon devises a dangerous plan. He must pit the Arab terrorists against the drug smugglers, forcing these two ruthless factions to turn on each other. However, as time runs out and luck becomes a precious commodity, Harmon finds himself in a dangerous race against the clock.
Contract to Kill is a thrilling and suspenseful movie that explores themes of terrorism, intelligence agencies, and the lengths one man will go to protect his country. With its high-octane action sequences and intense plot, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.