In the heartwarming and relatable film Little Sister, young nun Colleen seeks solace by cutting off all contact from her family. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she is called back to her childhood home in Asheville, North Carolina. As she arrives, she is surprised to find her old room untouched, painted black, and adorned with goth and metal posters.
Upon her arrival, Colleen is immediately thrown back into the eccentric world of her family, including her seriously injured brother, who recently returned from serving in Iraq. As she reconnects with her loved ones, Colleen navigates the challenges of balancing her faith and her family, ultimately learning valuable lessons about acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion.
Set against the backdrop of a small town in North Carolina, Little Sister explores themes of self-discovery, familial bonds, and finding one's true place in the world. Mixing elements of comedy and drama, this heartfelt film delves into the complexities of human relationships with honesty and humor.
With its relatable characters, touching storyline, and picturesque setting, Little Sister offers a heartwarming cinematic experience. This film reminds audiences of the power of family and the importance of staying connected, even in the face of personal and spiritual journeys.