In Kubo and the Two Strings (2016), a captivating animated adventure film, the young protagonist, Kubo, embarks on a perilous quest to protect himself and his family from an ancient, vengeful spirit. Following the death of his father, Kubo must search for a legendary suit of armor that possesses magical powers. Armed with his shamisen, a magical musical instrument, and accompanied by a talking monkey and a samurai beetle, Kubo explores fantastical and awe-inspiring lands in ancient Japan.
As the story unfolds, Kubo encounters various mythical creatures and battles formidable enemies, all while seeking to uncover the truth about his own heritage. With stunning visual effects and a powerful narrative, the film beautifully explores themes of family, bravery, and the power of storytelling.
Directed by Travis Knight, Kubo and the Two Strings provides a visually stunning and emotionally impactful experience. Seamlessly blending stop-motion animation with computer-generated imagery, the film creates a visually rich and enchanting world that transports viewers into Kubo's extraordinary journey. Additionally, the film boasts an all-star voice cast including Art Parkinson as Kubo, Charlize Theron as Monkey, and Matthew McConaughey as Beetle, adding depth and emotion to the characters.
Kubo and the Two Strings is a masterfully crafted film that touches the hearts of audiences of all ages with its captivating story, breathtaking visuals, and poignant themes. It is a must-watch for anyone seeking a magical and unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Kubo and the Two StringsRelease Date:
19 Aug 2016Writers:
Marc Haimes, Chris Butler, Shannon TindleAwards:
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 33 wins & 67 nominations total