Title: The Cokeville Miracle (2015)
The Cokeville Miracle is a gripping drama based on the true events that took place on May 16, 1986, in the small community of Cokeville, Wyoming. David and Doris Young, driven by their extremist beliefs, storm an elementary school and hold the entire school hostage. They eventually detonate a bomb inside a single classroom, trapping all the teachers and students.
The story follows Ron Hartley, a parent whose children were among those held captive. As the community grapples with the aftermath of this horrifying event, Ron must confront his skepticism and disbelief when he starts hearing accounts from the students of supernatural intervention during the crisis. Witnesses claim to have experienced miraculous and heavenly occurrences, which challenge Ron's understanding of reality and faith.
The Cokeville Miracle explores themes of faith, resilience, and the power of the human spirit. Drawing from actual testimonies, this powerful film poses the question: When faced with tragedy, what do you see?
This emotional and thought-provoking drama captures the courage of the survivors and pays tribute to the extraordinary acts of heroism that unfolded during this dark chapter. Prepare to be moved as this gripping true story unfolds, leaving viewers inspired by the unwavering strength and hope that can emerge even in the face of unimaginable horror.