Son of Saul (2015) is a gripping and emotionally intense Hungarian film set during the Holocaust. The story follows Saul Auslander, a Hungarian prisoner working in Auschwitz as a member of the Sonderkommando, a group responsible for disposing of corpses in the crematoriums. Over the span of two days, Saul becomes determined to give a proper burial to the body of a young boy whom he believes is his son.
As the Sonderkommando faces the constant threat of extermination, Saul sets aside thoughts of rebellion and focuses solely on finding a rabbi to perform the burial ritual. With every obstacle and danger that comes his way, he remains resolute and single-minded in his mission.
Far from being a traditional narrative, Son of Saul offers a visceral and immersive experience through its use of long, continuous shots and tight camerawork. The film explores the moral complexities of survival in the face of unimaginable horror, and the deeply personal journey of Saul as he grapples with his own guilt and redemption.
Directed by László Nemes, Son of Saul received critical acclaim for its exceptional storytelling and its unflinching portrayal of the Holocaust. It won numerous awards, including the Cannes Film Festival's Grand Prix, and was hailed as a masterpiece for its raw and haunting depiction of one man's desperate quest for humanity amidst the horrors of Auschwitz.