In The Hollars, an aspiring New York City artist named John Hollar finds himself returning to his small middle America hometown when he learns that his mother is scheduled for brain surgery. Accompanied by his girlfriend, who is eight months pregnant with their first child, John must confront the chaotic world he left behind.
As John navigates his hometown, he is bombarded by his dysfunctional family, old high school friends, and an overly enthusiastic ex-girlfriend, all of whom reenter his life just before his mother's operation. These encounters force John to confront his past and come to terms with the present.
The Hollars is a heartwarming and humorous film that explores themes of family, love, and self-discovery. The movie showcases the complexities and quirks of family dynamics, as well as the challenges of balancing personal and professional aspirations. It offers an intimate look into the life of a man who must confront his own fears and insecurities while supporting his loved ones during a time of crisis.
With its relatable characters and a talented ensemble cast, including John Krasinski, Anna Kendrick, and Margo Martindale, The Hollars is a heartfelt and entertaining film that will resonate with audiences. The film is a reminder of the importance of family bonds and the strength found in coming together during difficult times.