In A Girl at My Door, Young-nam, a former promising police academy graduate, is abruptly transferred to a small seaside village due to misconduct. As she arrives in the village, she encounters Dohee, an enigmatic girl with a somber expression.
While trying to adjust to her new environment, Young-nam learns the devastating news of Dohee's grandmother's death in a car accident. Concerned for the girl's safety, Young-nam offers her a place to stay, hoping to protect her from her abusive stepfather.
As Young-nam spends more time with Dohee, she begins to unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding the girl. This deepens their connection, as Young-nam becomes determined to shield her from harm.
A Girl at My Door is a gripping and suspenseful drama that explores the themes of abuse, compassion, and the lengths one person will go to protect another. The film delves into the complexities of human relationships and the intricate dynamics between the characters.
With captivating performances and a compelling storyline, A Girl at My Door will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, questioning the true nature of the relationships and the secrets that lie beneath the surface.
Prepare to be engrossed in this riveting tale of empathy, as Young-nam embarks on a journey to safeguard Dohee from danger, revealing unexpected twists and poignant moments along the way.