Blood Father is an intense action thriller that tells the gripping story of an ex-convict who takes on a dangerous mission to protect his wayward teenage daughter from ruthless drug dealers on a quest to end her life. Set against the backdrop of the criminal underworld, this film follows John Link, a former biker and ex-convict, as he embarks on a desperate journey to keep his daughter safe.
Separated for years due to John's troubled past, his daughter finds herself entangled in a dangerous web of drugs and violence. When her life is threatened by a sadistic gang, she turns to her estranged father for help. Against all odds, John must confront his own demons and come to terms with his past mistakes as he fights to protect his daughter from the dangerous criminals who are after her.
Packed with heart-pounding action, breathtaking chase sequences, and exhilarating fight scenes, this film delivers non-stop thrills. As John and his daughter fight for survival, they form an unlikely bond that enforces their determination to come out alive.
Starring Mel Gibson as John Link and Erin Moriarty as his daughter, Blood Father explores the themes of redemption, family bonds, and the lengths a father is willing to go to protect his child. This film promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its intense storyline and adrenaline-fueled action.
Also Known As:
Blood FatherRelease Date:
26 Aug 2016Writers:
Peter Craig, Andrea Berloff