Trumbo (2015) is a gripping and powerful biographical drama that takes us back to 1947, when the fear of communism gripped Hollywood. The film revolves around Dalton Trumbo (played by Bryan Cranston), a talented screenwriter who finds himself at the center of the blacklist, a horrifying period in American history when artists were jailed and blacklisted for their political beliefs.
Directed by Jay Roach, TRUMBO delves into how Dalton uses his words and wit to not only win two Academy Awards but also expose the absurdity and injustice of the blacklist. His journey uncovers the entanglement of influential figures in Hollywood, such as gossip columnist Hedda Hopper (played by Helen Mirren), as well as actors John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, and Otto Preminger.
The film presents a thought-provoking portrayal of the lengths to which people went to suppress freedom of speech and artistic expression during that era. With Bryan Cranston's stellar performance, TRUMBO offers an intimate look into the personal and professional struggles faced by Dalton Trumbo and his unwavering determination to fight against an unjust system.
Featuring a talented ensemble cast, including Diane Lane, Louis C.K., and Elle Fanning, Trumbo (2015) is a must-watch film that sheds light on one man's resilience in the face of adversity and his battle to defend his principles.