In the delightful family adventure film Little Savages (2016), viewers are transported to the picturesque lake town of Culver. Here, they join the captivating journey of a young boy genius named Albie and his fearless sister Rosita. Albie's brilliant mind has earned him the attention of some intimidating bullies who constantly harass him and his friends.
But when a quirky philanthropist, who once resided in the town, leaves behind a hidden treasure, Albie and Rosita find themselves in a race against time to uncover its location. Determined to outsmart the bullies, the siblings enlist the help of their loyal friends for an exciting and suspenseful adventure filled with twists and turns.
In their quest, Albie and Rosita explore the charming surroundings of Culver, encountering eccentric characters and overcoming unexpected obstacles along the way. As they delve deeper into their search for the treasure, they discover the power of friendship, the value of perseverance, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Little Savages is a heartwarming film that appeals to audiences of all ages with its endearing characters and exciting storyline. With an underlying message of courage and resilience, this family-friendly movie is sure to captivate viewers, taking them on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting lake town of Culver.