In the movie Return to Sender, a dedicated nurse living in a peaceful small town embarks on a blind date that takes a dark turn. Miranda, the nurse, agrees to meet a man named William, who turns out to be completely different from his online persona. As the night progresses, William commits a horrific act of violence against Miranda, leaving her devastated.
Haunted by the traumatic incident, Miranda struggles to rebuild her life and regain her sense of security. While grappling with her emotions, she develops an unexpected connection with another patient she meets at the hospital. Seeking justice, she begins a journey of self-discovery, determined to confront her attacker and find closure.
Return to Sender is a suspenseful thriller that explores the themes of deception, trauma, and the quest for revenge. It delves into the psychological effects of violence and the resilience of the human spirit. Through a captivating storyline and compelling performances, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, constantly questioning what is real and who can be trusted.
This intense and thought-provoking film is a gripping exploration of the aftermath of a terrible event and the lengths one woman will go to seek justice and reclaim her life.
Also Known As:
Return to SenderRelease Date:
14 Aug 2015Writers:
Patricia Beauchamp, Joe Gossett