In the movie The Remaining (2014), a group of friends come together to celebrate a wedding. However, their joyous occasion turns into a nightmare as apocalyptic events unfold, bringing about chaos and destruction. As the world around them crumbles, they are forced to confront deep questions about life, love, and faith.
The friends find themselves in a desperate struggle for survival, faced with terrifying supernatural phenomena and the constant threat of death. As they witness the world being torn apart, they must grapple with their own beliefs and values.
Amidst the chaos, the group faces a crucial decision between redemption and survival. They must choose whether to hold onto their faith and trust in a higher power or succumb to the fear and despair that surrounds them.
The Remaining is a gripping and suspenseful film that explores profound themes while keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. It delves into questions about the meaning of life, the nature of faith, and the importance of human connection in times of crisis.
This thrilling movie will leave audiences pondering their own beliefs and the choices they would make in an apocalyptic scenario. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you witness the characters' struggle for redemption and survival in the face of an unimaginable catastrophe.
Also Known As:
The RemainingRelease Date:
24 Sep 2014Writers:
Casey La Scala (screenplay), Chris Dowling (screenplay), Casey La Scala (story)