The Secret Life of Pets is an animated comedy that follows the adventures of a lovable terrier named Max. Max's peaceful life is turned upside down when his owner brings home Duke, a large and unruly stray dog. The two dogs don't get along, and their rivalry leads to a chaotic and hilarious journey through the city.
As Max and Duke try to find their way back home, they meet a quirky cast of characters including a rebellious bunny named Snowball and a charming Pomeranian named Gidget. These misfit animals join forces to save Max and Duke from dangerous situations and discover the importance of teamwork and friendship along the way.
This heartwarming film explores the secret lives of pets when their owners are away, offering a playful and imaginative take on what our furry friends might be up to. With stunning animation, a captivating storyline, and an all-star voice cast that includes Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, and Kevin Hart, The Secret Life of Pets is a delightful family-friendly adventure that will keep audiences of all ages entertained.
Experience the charming world of pets like never before in this heartwarming and hilarious animated film that proves there's more to these furry creatures than meets the eye. Join Max, Duke, and their zany gang of animal friends as they navigate the bustling streets of the city and learn valuable lessons about loyalty, friendship, and finding their way back home.