Dark Places is a thrilling mystery movie that tells the captivating story of Libby Day, who as a child witnessed the brutal murder of her family in their Kansas farmhouse. Devastated by the traumatic event, Libby is forced to face her past when she is approached by a group of true crime enthusiasts called the Kill Club who believe her brother, Ben, was wrongfully convicted of the crime.
Reluctantly, Libby agrees to revisit the crime and starts piecing together the events of that fateful night. As she delves deeper into her family's dark past, she uncovers shocking secrets and must confront the painful truths that led to the tragedy. Along her journey, she meets a group of intriguing characters, including her troubled brother Ben, her estranged aunt Diane, and a former investigator who becomes vital in unraveling the mystery.
The movie skillfully interweaves past and present timelines, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to piece together the puzzle alongside Libby. Dark Places is a gripping psychological thriller that explores themes of family, guilt, and redemption. With an excellent cast, including Charlize Theron as the multifaceted and complex Libby Day, the movie masterfully builds suspense and keeps audiences guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Dark PlacesRelease Date:
18 Jun 2015Writers:
Gilles Paquet-Brenner, Gillian Flynn