Endless Love (2014) is a heartwarming romantic drama that revolves around the blossoming love between David and Jade. Set in their final year of high school, David has been infatuated with Jade since he first laid eyes on her. However, they have never spoken until Jade's family arrives at The Inn, where David works as a valet.
From the moment they meet, David and Jade's connection is undeniable, and they quickly fall deeply in love. However, their relationship is put to the test when their parents attempt to pull them apart. David is aware of Jade's troubled past, but as their love grows stronger, his own secrets slowly come to light, challenging Jade's trust in him.
As the story unfolds, David and Jade must confront the obstacles that threaten to tear them apart and question if their love is strong enough to endure. The film tugs at the heartstrings as it explores themes of family, trust, and the power of love.
Endless Love (2014) is a captivating and emotional film that will leave viewers rooting for David and Jade's love to triumph over adversity. With its compelling storyline and poignant performances, it is a must-watch for fans of heartfelt romance.