Join three young Inuits on an epic adventure in The Legend of Sarila (2013). Set in the Arctic, this animated film tells the captivating story of three brave individuals determined to save their clan from starvation. Facing the harsh reality of their dwindling resources, these courageous protagonists embark on an extraordinary quest to find a fabled land known as Sarila, said to possess an abundance of food.
Against all odds, our heroes encounter treacherous landscapes, mystical creatures, and sinister characters as they venture into the unknown. Along their journey, they must rely on their resilience, teamwork, and traditional Inuit knowledge to navigate the challenges that lie in their path.
The Legend of Sarila offers a visually stunning portrayal of the Arctic landscape, providing viewers with a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Inuit people. The film immerses audiences in an enthralling world filled with vibrant colors, breathtaking landscapes, and heartwarming moments.
With its compelling storyline and heartfelt characters, The Legend of Sarila takes audiences on an emotional roller coaster, blending elements of adventure, friendship, and family bonds. A tale of determination and survival, this captivating animated film will leave you rooting for these young heroes until the very end. Will they be able to conquer the challenges they face and save their clan? Stream The Legend of Sarila to witness their extraordinary journey.
Also Known As:
The Legend of SarilaRelease Date:
16 May 2013Writers:
Roger Harvey, Paul Risacher (english adaptation), Pierre TremblayAwards:
3 nominations.