Hammer of the Gods is a thrilling and visually stunning action film set in the mystical Norse world. The story revolves around a young man named Steinar, who embarks on a treacherous journey across the British landscape to find his missing brother, Hakan The Ferrocious. With his people counting on Hakan to restore peace to their kingdom after the tragic death of their king, Steinar must transform into a ruthless warrior and face numerous challenges along the way.
This high-energy epic combines elements of adventure, mythology, and intense battle sequences to create a gripping cinematic experience. As Steinar battles against deadly foes and navigates the unforgiving landscapes, he gradually uncovers shocking secrets about his own heritage. The film offers a distinct visual style, with stunning cinematography that enhances the grandeur of the Norse world and brings its unique mythology to life.
Hammer of the Gods is an action-packed journey filled with suspense, intrigue, and jaw-dropping fight scenes. With its strong performances, engaging storyline, and impressive production design, this film is sure to captivate audiences from start to finish. Get ready to join Steinar on his quest and discover the untold powers that lie within him as he fights for his people and confronts his own destiny.
Also Known As:
Hammer of the GodsRelease Date:
30 May 2013Writers:
Matthew ReadAwards:
2 nominations