In The Final Girls, a young woman named Max is still mourning the loss of her mother, who was a beloved scream queen from the 1980s, known for her iconic role in a slasher film called Camp Bloodbath. One day, while attending a special screening of the movie, Max and her friends are unexpectedly transported into the world of Camp Bloodbath itself. Max is overjoyed to be reunited with her mother, who is now trapped as her character, Nancy, in the movie. However, they soon realize that they have to band together to survive, as they find themselves being pursued by the film's maniacal killer.
As they navigate the dangerous world of Camp Bloodbath, Max and her friends, along with the characters from the movie, must use their knowledge of horror film tropes and clichés to outsmart the killer and find a way back to the real world. Along the way, they discover the importance of their own personal growth and healing, as well as the power of friendship and family.
The Final Girls is a nostalgic and clever homage to 80s slasher films, while also offering a heartfelt exploration of loss, grief, and healing. With its mix of humor, suspense, and genuine emotion, this movie is sure to delight fans of horror films and those looking for a unique and entertaining story.
Also Known As:
The Final GirlsRelease Date:
05 Nov 2015Writers:
M.A. Fortin, Joshua John MillerAwards:
7 wins & 13 nominations