Point Break (2015) is an action-packed thriller that follows a young FBI agent as he infiltrates a group of extreme sports athletes who he believes are behind a series of high-profile corporate heists. In his pursuit to expose the truth, he goes deep undercover, putting his life on the line and becoming entangled in a world of danger and adrenaline.
The film showcases breathtaking scenes of extreme sports, including surfing, skydiving, snowboarding, and wingsuit flying, all performed by the main characters. The stunts are visually stunning and provide an added layer of excitement to the already intense storyline.
As the agent delves deeper into the world of the athletes, he begins to question his own beliefs and is torn between his duty as an FBI agent and his admiration for the thrill-seeking lifestyle. Along the way, he forms an unlikely bond with the charismatic leader of the group, creating a complex dynamic that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.
Point Break (2015) is a remake of the 1991 cult classic and offers a modern twist to the original story. The film received praise for its thrilling action sequences and stunning cinematography, providing viewers with an exhilarating experience from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Point BreakRelease Date:
25 Dec 2015Writers:
Kurt Wimmer (screenplay), Rick King (story), W. Peter Iliff (story), Kurt Wimmer (story), W. Peter Iliff, Rick King, W. Peter IliffAwards:
2 wins & 3 nominations.