Perfect Sisters is a gripping drama thriller that delves into the troubled lives of two sisters, Sandra and Beth, who are desperate to escape their mother's destructive lifestyle. Faced with their mother's alcoholism and a series of abusive boyfriends, the sisters find solace and hope in their plan to end their mother's life.
This intense and suspenseful film explores the depths of the sisters' desperation, as they meticulously plot and execute their dark plan. It raises thought-provoking questions about the moral boundaries one can cross when driven to the brink of desperation.
Perfect Sisters showcases outstanding performances from its lead actresses, offering viewers an emotional rollercoaster as they navigate the challenges of their unhinged family life. The film skillfully portrays the complex relationship between the sisters, highlighting the bond that keeps them together despite their troubled circumstances.
With its gritty realism and compelling narrative, Perfect Sisters keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. It offers a unique exploration of the consequences of extreme circumstances and the lengths people will go to find freedom and a better life.
Prepare to be captivated by the heart-wrenching story of two sisters who are pushed to their breaking points and face unimaginable choices in Perfect Sisters.
Also Known As:
Perfect SistersRelease Date:
07 Oct 2014Writers:
Fab Filippo, Bob Mitchell, Adam TillAwards:
2 wins