Walter is a heartfelt and thought-provoking film that follows the life of Walter Gary Benjamin, a ticket-taker at a local cinema. From an early age, Walter made a pact with God to judge the eternal fate of everyone he encounters, with the hope of sending his deceased father to Heaven. This unusual responsibility shapes Walter's perception of the world and his purpose in life.
The film explores Walter's daily routine, which he manages with the support of his anxious mother. However, everything changes when a mysterious man named Greg enters his life and challenges him to examine the meaning of his existence and what the future holds for him. As Walter grapples with this unexpected encounter, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learns valuable lessons about faith, forgiveness, and the power of human connections.
Walter is a touching and introspective film that raises important questions about the choices we make and the impact they have on ourselves and others. With its compelling narrative and memorable performances, the movie engages viewers on an emotional level and leaves them contemplating their own beliefs and sense of purpose.
Join Walter on his extraordinary journey of self-realization and experience a film that will leave you contemplating the meaning of life and the power of human connection.