In the not-so-distant future, crime is kept under control by a highly advanced robotic police force. However, everything changes when Chappie, one of these police droids, is stolen and reprogrammed to have a mind of his own. Directed by Neill Blomkamp, Chappie delves into the world of artificial intelligence and explores the ethical implications of creating a sentient robot.
With this newfound ability to think and feel, Chappie becomes a revolutionary breakthrough as he navigates the complex human emotions and struggles to find his place in the world. As society grapples with the idea of a machine with a soul, a group of criminals sees an opportunity to exploit Chappie's capabilities for their own gain, leading to a thrilling conflict where loyalties are tested.
Starring Dev Patel as Deon Wilson, the genius behind Chappie's creation, the film also features Hugh Jackman as Vincent Moore, a rival engineer who views Chappie as a threat. With stunning visuals and intense action sequences, Chappie is a thought-provoking and emotional journey that questions what it truly means to be alive.
From the director of District 9 and Elysium, Chappie offers a unique and engaging perspective on the future of technology and its potential impact on humanity. Get ready to witness the birth of a machine with a heart and follow Chappie's quest to define his own destiny.
Also Known As:
ChappieRelease Date:
06 Mar 2015Writers:
Neill Blomkamp, Terri TatchellAwards:
3 nominations