Teenage Cocktail is a thrilling and suspenseful movie that captures the story of Annie and Jules, two teenagers who are yearning for freedom from their small town and strict parents. Feeling trapped and suffocated by their surroundings, they devise a plan to escape their boring lives by running away together. However, they quickly discover that their actions have unexpected and dangerous consequences.
Directed by John Carchietta, the film delves into the complexities of teenage rebellion and the price one must pay for freedom. As the two girls embark on their adventure, they encounter a series of unforeseen events that test the limits of their relationship and their ability to survive. The consequences of their choices could not only jeopardize their future but also lead to catastrophic outcomes.
Teenage Cocktail explores themes of independence, friendship, and the dark side of teenage rebellion. The movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense and suspenseful plot. With its remarkable performances and captivating storytelling, this film will leave audiences questioning the consequences of their own actions.
Get ready for a wild and unpredictable ride as Annie and Jules navigate their way through a dangerous game of rebellion and find out just how blindside consequences can be. Don't miss out on this thrilling and thought-provoking movie!
Also Known As:
Teenage CocktailRelease Date:
15 Jan 2017Writers:
John Carchietta, Sage Bannick, Chris SivertsonAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination