In the gripping crime thriller Killer Joe (2011), a desperate young man named Chris finds himself caught in a dangerous situation. Haunted by debt and in dire need of a solution, he hatches a shocking plan: he decides to hire a hitman to eliminate his malevolent mother. With the promise of a hefty insurance payout, Chris hopes this act will secure his financial future.
However, in his pursuit of this sinister arrangement, Chris unwittingly involves his dysfunctional family, including his unsuspecting father, sister, and stepmother. As they delve deeper into this dark plot, they encounter a chilling, enigmatic assassin named Joe Cooper, nicknamed Killer Joe.
What follows is a riveting cat-and-mouse game as the characters' lives spiral dangerously out of control. As the tension builds to unbearable levels, secrets are revealed, and loyalties are tested. This intense thriller explores the depths of human desperation and the consequences of one's actions.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker William Friedkin and based on the play by Tracy Letts, Killer Joe features a stellar cast including Matthew McConaughey in a remarkable performance as the calculating killer. Praised for its dark atmosphere, gripping storytelling, and unforgettable performances, this twisted tale will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the shocking climax.
Also Known As:
Killer JoeRelease Date:
29 Jun 2012Writers:
Tracy LettsAwards:
9 wins & 21 nominations