Goats (2012) tells the story of Ellis, a fifteen-year-old boy preparing to leave his opulent home in Tucson to attend Gates Academy, an esteemed East Coast prep school. As he embarks on this new chapter, he must bid farewell to his eccentric mother, Wendy, and his unconventional father figure, Goat Man.
Wendy, a free-spirited woman entangled in the New Age movement, has raised Ellis with the help of Goat Man, a wise and enigmatic individual who lives on their property and serves as his mentor. Goat Man has taught Ellis valuable life lessons, guiding him through challenges and imparting his unique perspective on the world.
As Ellis ventures into the rigorous environment of Gates Academy, he must navigate the complexities of a prestigious institution while grappling with his conflicted feelings about leaving behind Wendy and the idyllic lifestyle he has known. He finds solace in forming unlikely friendships with his roommate, Barney, and the beautiful Minnie, a fellow student.
Goats explores themes of coming-of-age, self-discovery, and the complexities of familial relationships. Through Ellis' journey, viewers are invited to reflect on the meaning of home and the importance of finding one's own path in life.
With a stellar cast including David Duchovny, Vera Farmiga, and Graham Phillips, Goats offers a heartfelt and thought-provoking tale of a young boy's search for identity and belonging.