Perfect Sense (2011) is a thought-provoking film set in a world where a mysterious epidemic starts spreading, causing people to lose one of their senses. The outbreak begins with the loss of smell and is often preceded by violent outbursts. The story follows Susan, a scientist, and Michael, a charming chef, who find themselves in a budding relationship amidst the chaos.
As the epidemic worsens and more people lose their senses, society begins to collapse, and civil authorities struggle to maintain order. Susan and Michael navigate through this ever-changing world, questioning if love can survive in such circumstances.
Throughout the film, Susan provides insightful voice-overs, offering deeper understanding into the events unfolding. The story raises existential questions about the nature of love and whether anything can truly make sense in a world so dramatically altered.
Perfect Sense is a thought-provoking exploration of human connection and the resilience of the human spirit. It skillfully combines elements of romance, science fiction, and drama to create a captivating narrative that will leave audiences pondering the wider implications of the storyline.
With stellar performances from the lead actors, compelling storytelling, and rich cinematography, Perfect Sense is a must-watch film that offers a unique and introspective take on love and the inherent uncertainty of life.