Burning Bright is a gripping thriller that follows the harrowing story of a young woman, Kelly, and her autistic brother, Tom, who find themselves trapped inside a house with a ferocious tiger as a monstrous hurricane brews outside. As the hurricane intensifies, they soon realize that the tiger was intentionally left behind by their stepfather, who plans to profit from their deaths. With no means of escape and the tiger growing increasingly hungry, Kelly must summon all her courage and resourcefulness to protect herself and her brother from the terrifying predator.
Set against the backdrop of a relentless storm, Burning Bright delivers heart-pounding suspense and pulse-racing action. The film brilliantly explores the complex dynamics between Kelly and Tom, with Kelly's determination to safeguard her brother showcasing the remarkable bond between siblings. With each passing minute, tension rises as the characters desperately attempt to outsmart and outlast the formidable tiger.
Directed by Carlos Brooks, Burning Bright is a masterfully crafted film that skillfully balances heart-stopping moments with thought-provoking themes. The exceptional performances by the cast, particularly Briana Evigan as Kelly, create an atmosphere of genuine fear and vulnerability. Audiences will be left on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the outcome of this thrilling tale of survival.
Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled ride as Kelly fights against all odds to protect her and her brother from the relentless fury of the tiger in Burning Bright.
Also Known As:
Burning BrightRelease Date:
02 May 2012Writers:
Christine Coyle Johnson, Julie Prendiville Roux, David Higgins