In the heart of Los Angeles, four individuals find themselves interconnected on a fateful Christmas Eve. Powder Blue is a poignant drama that delves into the lives of a mortician, an ex-convict, a depressed former priest, and a dedicated stripper, whose paths are unexpectedly intertwined by a series of unforeseen events.
Eddie, a compassionate mortician haunted by his wife's tragic death, seeks redemption as he devotes his time to helping a young boy with similar struggles. Meanwhile, Charlie, an ex-con, struggles to reform his life after being released from prison, finding solace in a lonely, elderly woman he befriends.
Furthermore, Jack, an ex-priest tormented by his troubled past, embarks on a journey to find someone who can provide him with a newfound purpose. In parallel, Qwerty, a stripper longing for connection, leads a double life to support her ailing young son.
As Christmas Eve unravels, these four lives collide, and each character faces their own personal battles and demons. Together, they find solace and unexpected hope in one another, discovering the transformative power of human connection during a time of year that magnifies vulnerability.
Powder Blue is a thought-provoking exploration of love, forgiveness, and resilience, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, the companionship and support of others can lead to profound healing and redemption.
Also Known As:
Powder BlueRelease Date:
15 Oct 2009Writers:
Timothy Linh Bui, Stephane Gauger