In American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (2006), the story revolves around Erik Stifler, who is quite different from his wild and uninhibited cousins Matt and Steve. However, peer pressure pushes Erik to live up to the Stifler legacy when he participates in the infamous Naked Mile, an annual tradition where students run across the college campus completely naked.
As Erik embarks on this risqué adventure, he is in for a surprise when he discovers that his cousin Dwight is the center of attention and the life of the party among his college peers. This revelation adds more pressure to Erik as he tries to find his own identity amidst the chaos of the Naked Mile and the expectations placed upon him.
American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile is a hilarious and outrageous comedy that explores themes of self-discovery, peer pressure, and the struggle to find one's place in a wild and unpredictable world. Prepare for non-stop laughs, awkward encounters, and unforgettable moments as Erik navigates through this unconventional college experience.
This movie, part of the popular American Pie franchise, combines humor, relatable characters, and wild antics to deliver a hilarious and entertaining viewing experience for comedy enthusiasts. Get ready for a wild ride as Erik and his friends embark on their memorable journey in American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile.
Also Known As:
American Pie Presents: The Naked MileRelease Date:
19 Dec 2006Writers:
Adam Herz (characters), Erik LindsayAwards:
1 nomination.