Half Nelson is a thought-provoking drama set in a Brooklyn high school, where a young teacher named Dan Dunne faces personal struggles while trying to inspire his students. Dan, played by Ryan Gosling, is a history teacher and girls' basketball coach at a school populated primarily by black and Hispanic students.
Despite the disapproval of his superiors, Dan deviates from the prescribed curriculum of historical facts and instead teaches his students to think critically about historical events through the lens of dialectics. This unconventional approach captures the imagination of his students and fosters engaging classroom discussions.
However, outside of the classroom, Dan's life is in disarray. He has a strained relationship with his family and is battling drug addiction. His former girlfriend Rachel managed to overcome her addiction, but Dan continues to spiral out of control.
The film explores the complex dynamics between Dan and a young student named Drey. When Drey discovers Dan's drug habit, she becomes deeply involved in his life, leading to a fragile and unexpected friendship. As their relationship evolves, both characters are forced to confront their own vulnerabilities and find solace in each other.
Half Nelson is a deeply humanistic story that delves into themes of addiction, race, and self-discovery. With exceptional performances and a realistic portrayal of complicated relationships, this film offers an intimate and poignant narrative that will keep viewers captivated.
Also Known As:
Half NelsonRelease Date:
22 Sep 2006Writers:
Ryan Fleck, Anna BodenAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 29 wins & 48 nominations total