In the movie Being Flynn (2012), Nick Flynn finds himself working at a homeless shelter in Boston. Unexpectedly, he comes face to face with his absentee father, Jonathan, a con artist and self-proclaimed poet. Nick, who is struggling with his own problems and aimlessness, is torn between reaching out to his father or leaving him in the past.
As the story unfolds, we witness the complex relationship between father and son. Jonathan proves to be an unpredictable and unreliable presence in Nick's life, yet he harbors a deep desire to reconcile with him. Nick, on the other hand, grapples with the fear of repeating his father's mistakes and doubts whether a connection with him is worth pursuing.
Being Flynn is a poignant exploration of family, forgiveness, and the power of self-expression through writing. It delves into the themes of identity, addiction, and the lingering effects of a troubled upbringing. Through a series of flashbacks, we gain insight into the turbulent childhood Nick endured and the impact his father's absence had on his life.
With stellar performances by Robert De Niro and Paul Dano, Being Flynn is a thought-provoking and emotionally-charged film that tackles the complexities of parent-child relationships. It offers a nuanced portrayal of the inherent struggles and the potential for redemption in these familial bonds.
Also Known As:
Being FlynnRelease Date:
19 Apr 2012Writers:
Paul Weitz, Nick FlynnAwards:
1 win