In the year 2176, on the red planet Mars, a Martian police unit embarks on a perilous mission to apprehend a notorious criminal at a desolate mining outpost. However, upon reaching their destination, the law enforcement officers are astounded to discover that the once thriving post has transformed into a gruesome slaughterhouse.
As they delve deeper into the abandoned facility, the police uncover a horrifying truth - the miners have fallen prey to a hostile and ancient force that has possessed their bodies, turning them into bloodthirsty savages. In a desperate fight for survival, the outnumbered cops must battle against these relentless Martian ghosts to protect themselves and prevent this malevolent force from spreading to Earth.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker John Carpenter, known for his work in the horror genre, Ghosts of Mars takes viewers on an intense and thrilling journey into the futuristic world of Mars. The movie showcases Carpenter's signature style of blending suspense, action, and terror, as the characters confront both external and internal horrors.
Starring an ensemble cast including Natasha Henstridge, Ice Cube, and Jason Statham, Ghosts of Mars delivers a gripping and adrenaline-filled experience. With stunning visuals, a haunting soundtrack, and a unique twist on the traditional ghost story, this sci-fi horror film is sure to captivate viewers with its eerie atmosphere and relentless suspense. So buckle up and prepare for a spine-chilling ride on the desolate plains of Mars with Ghosts of Mars.
Also Known As:
Ghosts of MarsRelease Date:
24 Aug 2001Writers:
Larry Sulkis, John CarpenterAwards:
2 nominations