In the enchanting times of King Arthur, a valiant young girl named Kayley embarks on a daring quest to save Camelot. After her father, a courageous Knight of the Round Table, is tragically killed by the wicked Sir Ruber, who plans to steal Excalibur and seize Camelot for himself, Kayley is determined to stop him.
To aid her in her mission, Kayley seeks the help of Garrett, a recluse who dreams of becoming a knight despite his blindness. Together, they form an unlikely team and venture into the treacherous Enchanted Forest.
On their perilous journey, Kayley and Garrett encounter various obstacles and adversaries that test their bravery and friendship. They are joined by a peculiar and comical two-headed dragon, adding humor to their adventure.
Their ultimate goal is to retrieve the magical sword and save Camelot from Sir Ruber's clutches. However, the path they must tread is fraught with danger and mystery.
The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot is an enthralling animated film that combines elements of bravery, friendship, and magic against the backdrop of King Arthur's legendary realm. Will Kayley, Garrett, and their whimsical dragon companion triumph in their quest and restore peace to Camelot? Join them on their journey today.
Also Known As:
Quest for CamelotRelease Date:
15 May 1998Writers:
Vera Chapman (novel), Kirk DeMicco (screenplay), William Schifrin (screenplay), Jacqueline Feather (screenplay), David Seidler (screenplay)Awards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 1 win & 5 nominations.