For Richer or Poorer (1997) is a delightful romantic comedy that follows a wealthy New York couple, Brad and Caroline Sexton, as they embark on a hilarious and unexpected adventure to escape the IRS. Faced with imminent financial ruin and the prospect of imprisonment, the couple decides to hide from the authorities by disguising themselves as Amish farmers. Seeking refuge in an Amish community, Brad and Caroline pretend to be distant relatives, trying to adapt to the simple and traditional lifestyle of their newfound neighbors.
Initially resistant to their conservative surroundings, the Sextons gradually discover the value of hard work, family bonds, and the true meaning of love. They find themselves caught up in a web of comedic situations, including encountering the Amish's disapproval of modern technology and their own humorous mishaps in trying to fit in. As they navigate this unfamiliar culture, Brad and Caroline learn valuable lessons about community, honesty, and the importance of prioritizing their relationship.
Directed by Bryan Spicer, this heartwarming comedy stars Tim Allen as the brash and materialistic Brad Sexton, and Kirstie Alley as his sophisticated and socialite wife Caroline. With a talented cast and witty script, For Richer or Poorer offers a lighthearted and entertaining story that explores themes of self-discovery and redemption.
Join Brad and Caroline on their transformative journey as they discover that true wealth lies not in monetary possessions, but in the richness of relationships and the pursuit of a simpler, more meaningful life.
Also Known As:
For Richer or PoorerRelease Date:
12 Dec 1997Writers:
Jana Howington, Steve LuKanicAwards:
1 nomination