The End of Violence is a captivating thriller that explores the concepts of power, surveillance, and the consequences of violence in Hollywood. Mike Max, a successful Hollywood producer, finds his life rapidly unraveling as his wife considers leaving him. Just when he thinks things couldn't get any worse, Mike is unexpectedly kidnapped by two dangerous criminals. However, he manages to escape and seeks refuge with his Mexican gardener's family.
Simultaneously, surveillance expert Ray Bering is on a mission to uncover the secrets of the city, although his true intentions remain shrouded in mystery. As the police, led by detective Doc Block, commence their investigation into Mike's disappearance, Doc becomes enamored with Cat, an actress working on Mike's latest film.
The End of Violence delves into the intricate web of relationships and power dynamics that exist within the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. As the characters navigate their way through this complex world, they must confront the consequences of their actions and confront their own desires and insecurities.
This thought-provoking film challenges the audience to examine the role of violence in society and its impact on both the individual and collective psyche. With its riveting storyline, stellar performances, and incisive commentary, The End of Violence provides a gripping viewing experience for fans of thrilling dramas.
Also Known As:
The End of ViolenceRelease Date:
12 Sep 1997Writers:
Nicholas Klein, Wim WendersAwards:
1 win & 4 nominations