Title: Jade (1995)
Summary: In this thrilling crime drama, the audience is introduced to a determined assistant D.A., David Corelli, as he finds himself caught in a dark web of murder and corruption. When a brutal hatchet murder takes place, Corelli stumbles upon a vital clue at the crime scene. Faced with professional threats and a perilous attempt on his own life, Corelli is torn between his duty to justice and his heart, as the evidence seems to lead to the woman he still loves.
With suspense building, Corelli's investigation takes unexpected turns, revealing a tangled world of high society and political power. As he digs deeper, Corelli uncovers a shocking underground ring, where secrets and desires collide amidst a backdrop of privilege and glamour. Along the way, he encounters a mysterious temptress known as Jade, whose sudden appearance adds to the complexity of the case.
Directed by William Friedkin and featuring a stellar cast, including David Caruso, Linda Fiorentino, and Chazz Palminteri, Jade keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and unexpected twists. This thrilling neo-noir film will leave audiences questioning loyalties and the true nature of justice until the climactic finale.
Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of seduction, corruption, and deception, as Jade presents a dangerous game where the stakes are life or death.
Also Known As:
JadeRelease Date:
13 Oct 1995Writers:
Joe EszterhasAwards:
2 nominations