Born Yesterday (1950) is a classic comedy that follows the story of Harry Brock, a brash and uncouth junkyard tycoon who arrives in Washington D.C. with the intention of buying himself a couple of congressmen. Alongside him is his mistress, Billie Dawn, a former showgirl. In order to make Billie more presentable in the capital's society, Harry hires newspaperman Paul Verrall to educate her and soften her rough edges.
However, as Paul teaches Billie about U.S. history and culture, she begins to realize the true nature of Harry's corrupt dealings. Not only does she discover that he is a two-bit crook, but she also falls in love with her handsome tutor in the process. This newfound knowledge sparks a transformation in Billie as she sheds her naive and ignorant persona to become a confident and independent woman.
With its witty dialogue and endearing characters, Born Yesterday showcases the power of education and personal growth. Billie's journey from a marginalized and dependent mistress to an empowered and educated individual serves as a poignant commentary on the importance of knowledge and critical thinking.
Directed by George Cukor, Born Yesterday is a timeless comedy that tackles themes of romance, social class, and political corruption. It is a must-watch for those seeking an entertaining and thought-provoking film that remains relevant even decades after its initial release.