In The Seventh Victim (1943), Mary Gibson's life takes a drastic turn when her sister, Jacqueline, mysteriously vanishes. With no other option, Mary leaves her private school and embarks on a journey to New York City in search of answers. However, as a young and inexperienced individual, she is unsure of where to begin her quest.
Fate brings her to Gregory Ward, Jacqueline's husband, and Dr. Louis Judd, a enigmatic psychiatrist who claims to possess information about Jacqueline's whereabouts. Little does Mary know that her sister had become entangled with a secret society of devil worshipers, who are determined to eliminate her for exposing their existence.
As Mary delves deeper into the dark underbelly of the city, she unravels shocking truths about her sister's involvement with the cult and the sinister forces at play. With danger lurking around every corner, Mary must navigate through treacherous situations to uncover the ultimate fate of her sister.
The Seventh Victim is a suspenseful and atmospheric thriller that explores themes of occultism, secrecy, and the lengths one would go to protect their secrets. Directed by Mark Robson and produced by Val Lewton, this classic film captivates audiences with its chilling narrative and intriguing characters.