The King Who Fooled Hitler is a captivating documentary that uncovers a little-known story of deception and cunning during World War II. Through a series of interviews and archival footage, viewers are taken on a journey back to 1944, when King George VI orchestrated a brilliant plan to mislead the Germans about the Allied invasion of Normandy.
As the tension of the war reaches its peak, King George VI enlists the help of double agents and decoys to create the illusion of a massive military operation in a different location. Through carefully crafted lies and strategic misdirection, the King successfully diverts German attention away from the true target, ultimately aiding in the success of the Normandy landings.
Through the eyes of those involved in the operation, viewers are given a behind-the-scenes look at the intricate planning and execution of this audacious plan. The King Who Fooled Hitler sheds new light on the role of deception in warfare and showcases the bravery and ingenuity of those who risked everything to outsmart the enemy.
Also Known As:
The King Who Fooled HitlerRelease Date:
05 May 2019Writers:
Paul Elston