Leave No Traces is a powerful and gripping film that takes place in 1983 communist Poland. The story revolves around the tragic event where high school student Grzegorz Przemyk is brutally beaten to death by the police. The aftermath of this incident leads to the only witness of the beating becoming the primary target of the oppressive state, facing relentless persecution and threats for speaking out against the authorities.
As tensions escalate, the protagonist must navigate a dangerous and treacherous landscape, constantly at risk of being silenced or harmed by those in power. The film sheds light on the harsh realities faced by individuals in a totalitarian regime, where speaking out against injustice can have severe consequences. Through compelling storytelling and poignant performances, Leave No Traces captures the resilience and courage of those who dare to defy oppression and fight for truth and justice in the face of overwhelming adversity. This gripping narrative will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the gripping tale of one person's fight against a totalitarian regime.
Also Known As:
Leave No TracesRelease Date:
24 Sep 2021Writers:
Kaja Krawczyk-Wnuk, Cezary LazarewiczAwards:
6 wins & 22 nominations