In the 1994 film The Shadow, set in 1930s New York City, the mysterious and enigmatic hero known as The Shadow, portrayed by Alec Baldwin, takes on his archenemy Shiwan Khan, played by John Lone. Khan, a ruthless and brilliant villain, is on a quest to build an atomic bomb that could potentially devastate the world. The Shadow, with his unique ability to cloud men's minds and delve into their deepest secrets, must use all his powers to stop Khan and save the city from destruction.
As the showdown between The Shadow and Shiwan Khan intensifies, the audience is taken on a thrilling journey through the dark and dangerous streets of New York City, filled with mystery, suspense, and high-stakes action. With a blend of fantasy, science fiction, and film noir elements, The Shadow offers a gripping and entertaining ride for viewers of all ages.
Join The Shadow as he faces his greatest challenge yet in a battle against evil and must harness all his strength, intelligence, and cunning to emerge victorious. Don't miss this classic tale of heroism and redemption in a world on the brink of chaos.
Also Known As:
The ShadowRelease Date:
01 Jul 1994Writers:
Walter B. Gibson, David KoeppAwards:
4 nominations