In the film Capricorn One (1977), viewers are introduced to a high-stakes situation where the first manned flight to Mars is abruptly canceled due to safety concerns. In a desperate attempt to maintain their reputation and secure crucial funding, government officials decide to fake the mission to Mars. As the elaborate plan unfolds, the astronauts involved are unaware of the deceitful scheme orchestrated by those in power.
As deception and manipulation run rampant, suspicions arise, and the astronauts find themselves in a precarious position. With the truth hanging by a thread, they must navigate a web of lies and deceit to survive. Facing mounting pressure and dangerous obstacles, the astronauts must come together to expose the startling truth behind the fraudulent mission to Mars.
Capricorn One is a gripping thriller that explores the lengths to which individuals will go to uphold a facade of success and power. With twists and turns at every corner, this film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the astronauts fight to uncover the truth and escape the clutches of those pulling the strings.
Also Known As:
Capricorn OneRelease Date:
05 May 1978Writers:
Peter HyamsAwards:
5 nominations