In the movie Panic (2000), we follow the story of Alex, a hit man who is desperate to leave the violent family business behind. Despite his efforts to break free, his father refuses to let him go. Seeking a way out, Alex turns to therapy, where he meets a provocative 23-year-old woman that ignites a passionate love affair.
As Alex navigates his conflicting desires and struggles to carve out a new path for himself, he must confront his own troubled past and figure out what truly matters to him. With complex family dynamics, intense emotional conflicts, and a dangerous underworld looming in the background, Alex must make difficult choices that will determine his fate.
As the tension builds and secrets unravel, Panic takes viewers on a gripping journey of self-discovery, love, and redemption. Will Alex manage to break free from his father's powerful grip and forge a new future, or will he be consumed by the dark forces that threaten to engulf him? Find out in this riveting film that explores the depths of human nature and the complexities of family ties.
Also Known As:
PanicRelease Date:
26 Apr 2001Writers:
Henry BromellAwards:
2 nominations