Wanda, a 1970 film directed by Barbara Loden, follows the story of a lonely housewife named Wanda, who aimlessly roams through mining country. Lost and disconnected, she crosses paths with a petty thief who offers her shelter and companionship. As Wanda becomes entangled with the criminal underworld, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and liberation.
The film explores themes of alienation, poverty, and personal agency as Wanda grapples with her identity and sense of purpose. Through her interactions with the thief and other characters she encounters along the way, Wanda confronts the limitations of her existence and seeks to break free from the constraints of her mundane life.
Filled with raw emotion and a stark depiction of working-class life, Wanda offers a poignant and captivating portrayal of a woman's quest for autonomy and individuality. Barbara Loden's sensitive direction and powerful performance as Wanda bring depth and authenticity to this intimate and thought-provoking film.
Also Known As:
WandaRelease Date:
14 Jan 1971Writers:
Barbara LodenAwards:
2 wins