In the 1977 martial arts film Iron Fisted Monk, a humble restaurant worker seeks vengeance against the Manchurian gang members responsible for the death of his employer. After a chance encounter with a monk who saves him from imminent danger, the worker decides to join a Shaolin temple to train and hone his martial arts skills. As he navigates the challenges and obstacles within the temple, he learns valuable lessons and discovers his true potential as a fighter. With the monk's guidance, he sets out on a mission to confront his enemies and seek justice for the wrongs committed against him. Fueled by his determination and newfound abilities, the protagonist embarks on a thrilling journey filled with action-packed fight scenes and moments of self-discovery. Iron Fisted Monk is a classic tale of revenge, redemption, and the power of inner strength in the face of adversity, making it a must-watch for fans of martial arts cinema.
Also Known As:
Iron Fisted MonkRelease Date:
25 Aug 1977Writers:
Feng Huang, Pro Hung Ching, Yu Ting